
Constitution of the SS Class Association

Here is the recently updated Constitution of the SS Class Association. Thanks to Commodore Tracy Cast for the document and permission to post to this blog.


This organization shall be known as the SS CLASS ASSOCIATION.

ARTICLE II - Objects and Powers

(a) To organize and encourage the racing of the SS.
(b) To maintain the status of the SS as a one design class;
(c) To hold all right, title, and interest in and to the original and official SS plans,molds and sail plans.
(d) To prevent fundamental changes in construction, rig, or equipment.
(e) To authorize minor changes if convinced they will increase the safety or serviceability of SS and to approve the substitution of construction materials when the original materials are no longer economically obtainable.
(f) To appoint approved builders and sail makers.
(g) To maintain an up to date register of all approved changes;
(h) To maintain an up to date register of all known SS class yachts.


(a) There shall be one class of members in the SS Class Association.
(b) Any person who is an owner, part owner or who is interested in SS yachts and their racing shall be eligible for membership.
(c) Dues shall be a donation of any amount.

ARTICLE IV - Registration of Yachts

(a) A yacht is considered to be in the SS Class only if it conforms to the measurements and specifications set forth by the SS Class Association.
(b) A register of approved SS yachts shall be kept by the One Design Committee which shall maintain the list by racing number together with such details as known including Owner, Name of Yacht, Builder, Year Built, and Club affiliation if any.

ARTICLE V - Executive Committee

(a) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management of the affairs of the SS Association in general and shall exercise all powers and perform all duties not otherwise delegated to any officer or committee herein.
(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of a Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary, and two Members at Large.
(c) The Commodore shall be the chief executive officer of the association and shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
(d) The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore and shall assume the powers and responsibilities of the Commodore in case of absence or inability to serve.
(e) The Secretary shall record all proceedings of the Association and the Executive Committee, keep a correct roster of members, give notice of meetings, and perform other duties usually pertaining to the office of the Secretary, including sending out annual fundraising/dues letters, sending out thank you notes to contributors, and notifying members of the race schedule,
(f) The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due the association, have custody of the Association funds, pay all bills of the Association, keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements, and render accountings thereof at meetings of the Association and the executive committee.

ARTICLE VI - Other Committees

(a) There shall be a Nominating Committee of three members, appointed by the Commodore, which shall nominate candidates for all offices to be filled at the next Annual Meeting. Such nominations shall be reported to the Secretary, who shall incorporate them in the call to the meeting.
(b) There shall be a One Design Committee consisting of its Chairman. Appointed by the Executive Committee, and two members selected by the chairman and approved by the Executive Committee. The One Design Committee shall administer and enforce the Association’s one design specifications. It shall maintain and safeguard all such specifications and related items. It shall periodically recommend to the Executive Committee any necessary changes to such, and It shall maintain a listing of all such approved changes. The One Design Committee shall be responsible to maintain the register of known SS yachts and to recommend to the Executive Committee the addition of new yachts to the list and the removal of non-conforming yachts from the list for good reason. The One design committee shall also recommend to the Executive Committee the appointment of any approved builders of SS yachts and approved sail makers. The chairman of the One Design Committee shall be a selected member of the Executive Committee.


(a) The Executive committee shall have the power to adopt By Laws not inconsistent with this constitution, and to amend them from time to time.


(a) There shall be an annual meeting of the SS Association to be held between July 1st and September 10th each year prior to or after one of the official race days of the association, as selected by the Executive Committee.
(b) Notification for the meeting including the recommendations of the nominating committee shall be given at least 10 days in advance by the Association Secretary.
(c) The meeting shall include reports from the Commodore, the Treasurer and the Nominating Committee.
d) Executive Committee members and officers shall be elected for a term of two years by majority vote at the annual meeting.

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