
SS Plans, Spinnaker Directions, Approvals & Requirements

By now most if not all of the SS fleet has found shelter for the winter months.  While the fleet is now in hibernation, the SS Class Association Committee has been active in updating and gathering records of the SS Class.  Specifically, Rob Dudley sent me the official plans related to our magic boat.  Now posted on this website (click the links in blue to access) is the SS Class Hull Plan, along with the Sail and Spinnaker Plans.  The links to these plans will live just below the "welcome" blurb on the right hand side of the page. The SSCA Committee has decided it would be good to publish these to try to encourage folks to abide by the standards to try and keep racing as fair as possible.  Rob redrew the "Double Luff" spinnaker plan because the old one was yellow, torn and tattered with age and was not dimensioned properly according to the "Equipment Rules of Sailing" by the International Sailing Federation.

In addition to the Plans, below will be of benefit to those wishing to adhere to our Class' Uniform Standards.  The two posts recently uploaded describe the Approvals and Requirements for the SS Class and Spinnaker Measurement for the Double Luff.  Thanks again to Rob Dudley for providing this information to be posted to our humble blog.

Here's wishing everyone a smooth sail during the holiday season and new year!

(pardon the pun :-).
- Will

Double Luff Spinnaker Directions

SS Class "Double Luff" Spinnaker Measurement

The spinnaker is measured by folding it in half, leach to luff with the tack and clew together. The sail thusly folded and pulled smoothly (but not stretched) between the measuring points should fill all the established dimensions.

To establish the proper marks on the floor from a head point, swing arcs of 3"-0" and 6'-0".
Then lay off chords across these arcs of 3'-0" and 4'-3" respectively.

Luff length should be established at 10'-10".
Foot length of 3'6".

Material: Spinnaker cloth shall be 3/4oz Nylon (with a finished weight of not less than 0.93 ounce per yard of 28.5" width)

Spinnaker design approved April 1969

Plan drawn December, 2012 by Robert Dudley (old plan had become yellow, torn and tattered with age)

List of Approvals and Requirements

In June 1937, the SS Class Association was formed by SS sailors for the dual purpose of maintaining uniform one-design standards and to promote fleet activity. Uniform standards enable all sloops to compete fairly and evenly.

List of Approvals and Requirements in SSCA Records

Official plans and Specifications prepared and approved by SS Class Association, Sept.1945, revised 10/10/46, 4/10/55, 4/10/63, 8/10/66

Sept. 15 1946 Rub-strake is required; reef points are optional; bronze half round on forward edge of centerboard is permitted; stays and dead ballast not allowed.

July 24, 1945 SS Class boatbuilding agreements made with L.T. Nickerson and Howard Welch.

June 1947 SS Class boatbuilding agreement made with Luis Howell.

Jan. 4, 1954 Fiberglass coating permitted to save old boats for racing.

1955 Marine plywood used by Howard Welch for ribs in construction of SS147 because hackmatack is unavailable.

1958 Washboards approved, 6',3'each side of mast, 6" recommended height.

1959 Dacron sails tested and allowed.

August 26, 1962 Optional: Curved jaws on gaff, hiking stick on tiller.

July 22, 1966 Optional: track on gaff and boom, snatch block, toe rail(scupper rail), transom piece above deck, floor boards, hiking straps, deck pads, location and size of deck fittings, EXCEPT main traveler and jib tack eye fitting.

Required: anchor and 30' cable; one oar, paddle or setting pole, proper bailing equipment.
Not allowed: down haul or boom vang.

Nov. 2 1966 Gordon Dudley and Bud Simes approve Fred Scopinich to be a builder of SS boats.

Nov. 7 1966 Fred Scopinich is steam bending ribs for SS 154 as unable to get hackmatack.

Feb. 4, 1967 Optional 3/8" thick marine plywood deck covered with fiberglass or canvas; also marine plywood centerboards and rudders covered with fiberglass(rudder tapered to 1/4" rounded). Fiberglassed hulls must weigh a minimum of 500 lbs.

April, 1969 Balloon spinnaker approved after 7 years of research.

Sept 13, 1970 Dry sailing approved. 1/2 round bronze, or flat bronze, approved to protect skeg. Fitting on mast allowed for new spinnaker setting, optional, in place of the jaws of the spinnaker pole. No down haul or topping lift allowed on boom or spinnaker pole.

Aug. 29, 1971 Self bailers optional (Not recommended because they leak)

The above were compiled from old records and minutes of SSCA meetings by Rob Dudley.

Meeting of One-Design Committee on Tuesday, Jan.5, 2010.
Committee members: Chairman, Rob Dudley, Fred Scopinich, Beecher Halsey and Jimmy Ewing.

The following items were discussed and approved:

Due to the fact that one of our biggest problems is identification of old boats whose numbers are unknown, we request that all boats have the number carved into the starboard centerboard log, as specified in the plans.

The committee will assign numbers to boats with unknown numbers, using the numbers of boats known to have been destroyed, of the same approximate vintage.

Because the more recent plywood centerboards do not have the iron or bronze reinforcing rods that held the old centerboards together, they are lighter and tend to float up. Enough lead may be placed in the upper part of the centerboard to keep the board from floating up. Amount of lead increased to 12 lbs. maximum. Previous maximum was 8lbs.

Solid mahogany rudder OK.

4.5 oz. Dacron approved for sails, as already in use. Has not been changed on plan sheet, but is now officially approved.

Dacron line is allowed for halyards and sheets.

Blocks now available in stainless and plastics are OK because bronze and galvanized are difficult to obtain and expensive.

On Sunday Nov. 4, 2012 the SSCA Executive Committee met and decided that sails must be made by established professional sailmakers specifically according to the SS Class sail plans and may not be made by altering or cutting down old sails of other classes.

No "footshelfs" are allowed.

Recommended sailmaker Doyle Sailmakers at 225 Fordham St., City Island, NY  10464, office 800 237 4453, Paul Beaudin Senior Sail Consultant, cell 917 584 5194   Email: paulbeaudin@doyleplochsails.com

5oz. Dacron material, for the mainsail and jib, is now recommended and used by the sailmaker, and now that is approved.

3/4oz. Nylon is now used for the spinnaker (with a finished weight of not less than 0.93 ounce per yard of 28.5" width)
Spinnaker design approved April, 1969.
Spinnaker plan drawn December, 2012 by Robert Dudley. The old plan had become yellow, torn and tattered with age.

Bottom paint is now required on hull.